Inclusive Trade Scan
The Netherlands Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kenya launched the Inclusive Trade Scan on the 16th of September.
Here you can download the scan and start using it!

The Inclusive Trade Scan is a collaboration between Wageningen University, AidEnvironment and the Netherlands Embassy in Kenya. The scan is a tool that promotes looking at inclusivity on three different levels, namely the an individual agribusiness, value chains and the trade environment. The scan will give you an introduction to inclusivity and what it means for the different levels. It will also provide you with questions to assess how inclusive your business or approach is and fosters exchange on how to increase inclusivity within your area of work.
The Netherlands and Kenya have a long standing collaboration in the agricultural sector with support to inclusive market led approaches, access to finance and value chain development. In order to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and for the benefit of both the Kenya economy and the trade relations between the Netherlands and Kenya, inclusivity is important to ensure everyone benefits from the growth and development of the agricultural sector. Therefore the Inclusive Trade Scan equips to focus on bringing on board those who currently benefit the least from agriculture. With the Inclusive Trade Scan tool businesses of all sizes and government can contribute to ensure benefits are reaped by all.

The launch
The launch of the Inclusive Trade Scan took place on the 16th of September. Besides welcome remarks by the Head of Trade and Development, Joris van Bommel; Joost Guijt, Senior Advisor Inclusive Agrimarkets at Wageningen University explained the importance and benefits of the scan and how it works. In addition a panel of Kenyan SMEs and business advisory practioners discussed the importance and opportunities for inclusivity within their interventions. They shared their experience working with smallholder farmers, female and young entrepreneurs, among others and how to ensure inclusivity within a business taking into account the trade environment. Discussion included how the public and private sector can ensure that the trade environment is inclusive and accessible to all.
We are happy to hear your experiences of using the scan and look forward to work together towards an inclusive agricultural sector!
If you are interested in the Inclusive Trade Scan you can read the scan here.
For more information about this Inclusive Trade Scan please e-mail Or in case of other questions for the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates follow us on twitter @NLAgriKenya or register for our newsletter by sending an email.