Factsheet False Codling Moth (FCM)
The False Codling Moth (FCM) also knowns as Thaumatotibia Leucotreta is a pest, which is present on more than 70 host plants crops like roses, citrus, peppers (Capsicum spp.), maize etc. making it a challenge to control it. FCM is an economically important pest for roses as it causes crop damage and is categorized as a quarantine pest by the European Union (EU).

FCM, KEPHIS and the EU
The False Coddling Moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta) is a threat to many flowers, fruits, vegetables and other crops. Because of this, in 2017 FCM was given the quarantine status in the European Union (EU). Currently European countries are therefore obligated to inspect 10% of the roses for FCM coming in from Kenya. The EU sets the percentage of inspections based on the amount of quarantine pests found, of which one is the FCM. The Netherlands is by far the largest importer of roses from Kenya. Increased inspections will thus affect the trade flow between Kenya and the Netherlands.
Kenya supplies one third of all roses sold in the EU. Cut flowers are Kenya’s second largest export after tea, contributing around 1% of the country’s GDP. They are also one of the country’s largest sources of employment, with over 200,000 people working directly in the flower industry and an estimated 4 million indirectly. About 2 billion roses are exported from Kenya to the Netherlands where they are sold at the flower auction in Aalsmeer to mostly Germany, the UK and France.
Trainings on identification of FCM
The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS), the Kenya Flower Council (KFC) and the Netherlands Government join efforts to stop this pest. In 2019 we jointly organized a training for rose growers to assist the sector in the detection and control of the False Codling Moth. The training was facilitated by experts from the Dutch Quality Control Bureau (KCB) and Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Various presentations were developed for the training, you can find these materials below.
- Article (EPPO; intergovernmental organization responsible for cooperation in plant health within the Euro-Mediterranean region) - Detailed information on the moth and identification – LINK
- Presentation (KEPHIS) – A presentation, developed by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, on the trends and inteceptions of False Codling Moth (FCM) in 2019 – LINK
- Presentation (KCB)- In this presentation you can find specific information on Import and Control requirements – LINK.
- Presentation (KCB)- In this presentation you can find specific information on legislation and the phytosanitary services in the Netherlands – LINK.
- Presentation (KCB) - In this presentation you can find specific information on interceptions – LINK.
- Presentation (KCB) - In this presentation you can find specific information on identification of FCM and diagnostics - LINK
- Presentation (NVWA) – In this presentation developed you can find information on the recognition and identification of FCM and different caterpillars - LINK

To assist rose growers to identify the pest on their farm we have designed a poster which farmers can print to train their personnel and increase awareness, you can download the poster here.
For more information about the trainings or the False Codling Moth or in case of questions for the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via nai-lnv@minbuza.nl. For the latest updates follow us on twitter @NLAgriKenya or register for our newsletter by sending an email.