Dairy Market Study North Rift, Kenya
North Rift is one of the key dairy production areas in Kenya, with ample opportunity and ambition for growth and expansion of dairy farming, due to the average size of landholdings and favourable agro-ecological conditions.
The Market Study was carried out untill September 2017 and focused on a sample of Medium and Large Scale Farms in three main dairy counties in North Rift, viz. Uasin Gishu, Trans Nzoia and Nandi.

This study was executed to gain a better inside in opportunities for the dairy sector and there for covered dairy cooperatives in all of the North Rift counties.
The market potential and assessment was addressed through zooming in on seven main themes, each offering business opportunities for different types of (Dutch) input suppliers, service providers and investors.
The themes are:
- Feed, Fodder, Farm Machinery and Agricultural Contracting Services
- Milking and Cooling Equipment, Milk Processing Equipment
- Herd Improvement (genetics and young stock)
- Herd and Farm Management Software, ERP Systems
- Cow House Design and Interiors
- Practical Training and Education, Dairy Advisory
- Finance and Fiscal Policies
For the conclusion of this study and the recommendations made please visit this website.
The Market Study covered more data than presented in the report. Please feel free to request more detailed information on a certain business theme or on one of the market segments at SNV, Kenya. They are more than willing to assist you and facilitate you on specific business opportunities for your company.