Bloembollen export naar Japan in 2020 mogelijk door aanvullende BKD inspecties
On Friday 10 April, the plant protection authorities of the Netherlands and Japan reached an informal agreement on an alternative method for inspection and monitoring of Dutch flower bulbs in spring 2020. Right on time, as weather conditions in the Netherlands reached high temperatures and the crops were growing fast.
Under the current protocol for the export of flower bulbs from the Netherlands to Japan, Japanese inspectors are required to visit the Netherlands in spring and summer to carry out joint inspection and monitoring of flower bulb crops in the Netherlands to avoid post-entry quarantine in Japan. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it has become impossible for Japanese inspectors to visit the Netherlands in spring this year. The two countries have been consulting to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.
The alternative method agreed by the two countries will ensure that Dutch flower bulbs will continue to be available for the Japanese market in 2020, while fulfilling the highest level of phytosanitary safety. BKD-inspectors will carry out inspections alone to see whether the Japanese conditions are met, and share their findings by video or email with their Japanese counterparts. The lots inspected and approved by BKD according to Japanese conditions remain to be exempted from post-entry quarantine in Japan.
In 2019 the total export of flower bulbs from the Netherlands to the world amounted to € 1,224 billion, of which € 36,545 million was exported to Japan. Japan is the 10th bulb export market for the Netherlands and ranks third among non-EU market (after USA and China). The Netherlands is by far the largest supplier of flower bulbs to Japan, accounting for 78% of Japan’s bulb import market in terms of value.