HoSt start eerste biogas project in Japan
On 20 September 2019, HoSt B.V., headquartered in Enschede, the Netherlands, signed a contract to build a new biogas power plant at Yuimarl Farm in Ishigaki island, Okinawa, Japan, with its Japanese signing partners, namely Techno System Co., Ltd., AITH Management Inc. The contract was signed by Mr. Naoyuki IKUTA, President of Techno System, Mr. Toru UMEZAWA, President of AITH Management, and Mr. Marcel te Braak, CTO of HoST, at the Residence of H.E. Mr. Peter van der Vliet, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Japan.
The biogas power plant can produce 550kW in electricity out of manure and agricultural by-products. This output is equivalent to powering 1.300 homes. For HoSt, it is the first biogas plant in Japan, marking an important milestone in the development of the company’s expansion in the Japanese market. The power plant should be operational around August 2020.
Agricultural Counsellor Evert Jan Krajenbrink facilitated the ceremony as the MC and Ambassador H.E. Mr. Peter van der Vliet gave his congratulatory remarks. The ambassador stated that this project is a new development that fits very well in the Netherlands’ vision on Circular Agriculture. It is exemplary in terms of sustainable food and energy production, supporting the development of circular economies, and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).