Presentations NL-Japan Horticulture Seminar (Nov 21) now available online!

On November 21, 2018, the Agricultural section of the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo organized its yearly greenhouse seminar during the Agro-Innovation Trade Fair at Tokyo Big Sight.

Presentations both in English and Japanese are available below

The objective of Netherlands-Japan Horticulture Seminar, titled “Profitable Greenhouse Business in Japan: latest developments in innovation, technology and training “ was to get an update on the latest developments in greenhouse sector, from perspectives of innovations, technology and labor management. And through discussions with professional growers and scientific institutions, to  contribute to the development of more technologically-advanced horticulture in Japan. Extra attention was paid to robotics, AI and new indoor vegetable varieties.

Experts from Japan and the Netherlands shared their knowledge and expertise to maximum yield while keeping production costs to minimum.

The seminar, followed by a reception, was attended by some 120 visitors.


14:30      Opening remarks by Dr. Evert Jan Krajenbrink, Agricultural Counsellor, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Japan

14:35      Guest of honor speech by Mr. Kenichi Kawamoto, Senior Policy Advisor for Horticultural Crop, Horticultural Crop Division, Agricultural Production Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

14:40      "Autonomous greenhouses - research on intelligent greenhouses and robotics"
By Dr. Silke Hemming, Head of Scientific Research Team, Greenhouse Technologies at Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

15:05      “Salad Bowls group business operation with large-scale greenhouses with advanced climate control”
By Mr. Susumu Tanaka, Chief Executive Officer, Salad Bowl Co., Ltd.

15:30      “Influence of the human factor on a sustainable, profitable greenhouse business”
By Mr. Aad van den Berg, Managing Director, Delphy Japan

15:55      “Introduction of Dutch modern greenhouses in Japan - successful cases and lessons learnt“ 
By Mr. Hiraaki Tomita, President, Tomita Technologies Ltd.

16:20      “Plant breeding - key technology for innovation in greenhouses” 
By Mr. Marien Valstar, Senior Policy Officer, Seed and Propagating Materials, Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

16:45      “The current status and issues of Japanese greenhouse horticulture” 
By Mr. Hidenori Suzuki, Chairman, Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association

17:10      Q&A and wrap up by moderator



14:30           モデレーターより開会の挨拶
オランダ王国大使館 農務参事官 エバート ヤン・クライエンブリンク

14:35           来賓挨拶
農林水産省 生産局 園芸作物課 青果物生産流通消費情報分析官 川本 憲一氏

14:40           講演「無人化・自動化温室に向けて - インテリジェント温室とロボティックスの研究」
ワーヘニンゲン大学研究センター(WUR)施設園芸技術部門科学研究チームリーダー シルケ・ヘミング氏

15:05           講演「サラダボウルの高度環境制御型大規模グリーンハウスのグループ展開について」
株式会社サラダボウル 代表 田中 進氏

15:30           講演「人的要因が持続可能かつ高収益な施設園芸ビジネスに与える影響について」
株式会社デルフィージャパン 代表取締役社長 アード・ファン・デン・ベルグ

15:55           講演「オランダからの先端的温室導入:成功事例と課題について」
トミタテクノロジー株式会社 代表取締役社長 富田 啓明氏

16:20           講演「植物育種 - 施設園芸におけるイノベーションを支えるキーテクノロジー」
オランダ農業・自然・食品品質省 種苗繁殖材 上席政策調整官 マリーン・ヴァルスター氏

16:45           講演「日本の施設園芸の現状と課題」
日本施設園芸協会 会長 鈴木 秀典氏

17:10           モデレーターによる質疑応答と総括

17:25           オランダ・ネットワーク・レセプション(立食懇親会)会場へ移動