Webinar on Sustainable Dairy Production in Indonesia
On January 13, 2021, Wageningen University together with the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) held an online webinar with the theme: “Building Blocks for Sustainable Development in Indonesia's Dairy Sector”.

This event was led by Dr Rudi Afnan, Vice Dean of Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, with key note speakers Dr Nasrullah from the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, Gemma Verijdt from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, the Netherlands and Dr Marion De Vries, from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) highlighting the importance of a sustainable development of the Indonesian dairy sector. The event was organized in the spirit of the end of the project Sustainable Intensification of Dairy Production in Indonesia (SIDPI) in West Java, Indonesia.
Dr. M Marion de Vries, who led The SIDPI project (2016-2020), explained that Indonesian dairy farming is challenged by poor manure management, poor feeding, poor reproduction and animal health problems. This causes low productivity and adverse impacts on the environment, especially because most manure is discharged into the environment. In this webinar, possible solutions for sustainable feeding and manure management were explained by Marion and part of her team, Windi Al Zahra from IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Science, Bram Wouters and Titis Apdini from Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Amin Sutiarto from Trouw Nutrition Indonesia, and Drs Dedi Setiadi from KPSBU Lembang.

The project begin from designing and implementing pilot studies on manure improvement, feeding and animal health management, research, economic and social sustainability of current and improved practices, and the stage of improvement and dissemination of results through training, demonstrations, focus group discussions, and information to the media.
The complete information about this project, can be seen on the video on YouTube SIDPI.
At the beginning of last year, SIDPI project was completed. Hopefully, that in the future, this program can be developed by more farmers in West Java and farmers in Indonesia in general.