Documenten - India

20 documenten over India

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  1. Study on impact of AMR on Indian Poultry Value Chain

    This report makes an effort to understand the present context of Indian poultry value chain specific to AMR by summarizing the ...

    Rapport | 14-05-2021

  2. Programma webinar 19 januari 2021

    Publicatie | 13-01-2021

  3. Proceedings of Joint FSSAI – NVWA session

    Verslag | 01-04-2020

  4. Food safety in fruit and vegetables, India

    Rapport | 01-04-2020

  5. HortiTech India brochure 2019

    Brochure | 01-04-2020

  6. Horticulture Opportunities in South India - Executive Summary

    Rapport | 13-10-2019

  7. Technology for sustainable development and the food-water-health nexus in India

    The Netherlands and India jointly organize a Technology Summit on October 14 and 15 in New Delhi. The Summit focuses on ...

    Rapport | 11-09-2019

  8. India - Opportunities and Challenges for Dutch Processed Food Companies

    Rapport | 31-01-2018

  9. A study on Dairy sector in India - Opportunities in Key States and Products

    Rapport | 31-01-2018

  10. Aquaculture, Opportunities and Challenges in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Rapport | 26-04-2017

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