Documenten - India

20 documenten over India

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  1. Mission Booklet- CII Krishi Bharat Lucknow 2024

    Brochure | 05-11-2024

  2. Indo Dutch Center of Excellence

    Brochure | 30-10-2024

  3. Landscaping study for Food Waste in the HoReCa and Retail segments in Mumbai and Pune

    Rapport | 18-10-2024

  4. World Food India 2023

    World Food India 2023-Mission Booklet

    Publicatie | 31-10-2023


    Video | 02-11-2022

  6. Survey protected cultivation in India

    Rapport | 13-09-2022

  7. India - Publication of Global tender enquiry for supply of High Value Horticulture fruit plants/planting material

    Publicatie | 08-08-2022

  8. Study on Post - Harvest Losses in Tomato Value Chain in Madhya Pradesh, India

    Rapport | 24-05-2022

  9. Study on Animal Health Improvement & AMR Reduction in the Indian Poultry sector

    Study on Animal health improvement & AMR reduction in the Indian poultry sector

    Rapport | 07-12-2021

  10. Webinar invitation on Agrifood Tech in India: Disruptions & Opportunities

    Brochure | 28-09-2021

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