Nieuws - Hongarije | Hungary

265 nieuwsberichten over Hongarije | Hungary

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  1. Hungary: Compensation for farmers due to weather extremities

    An overview of the agricompensation system in Hungary which is made to protect farmers from flood damage, spring frost, droughts ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-03-2020 | 10:27

  2. The Hungarian food industry: A short overview from the political regime change to now

    An overview of the developments in the Hungarian food sector between the end of socialism in 1990 and today

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-03-2020 | 10:50

  3. Hungary: Effects of the pandemic on food and agriculture

    An overview of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Hungarian agriculture and food industry

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-03-2020 | 16:20

  4. African Swine Fever (ASF), slowly entering Hungarian wild boar populations

    An overview of the developments in the African Swine Fever (ASF) pandemic in Hungary and policy measures being employed to combat ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-03-2020 | 14:50

  5. Support for improving the Apicultural sector in Hungary

    Hungary advocates for the support of apiculture, beekeeping. Hungary is the fifth largest honey producer in the EU. Beekeeping is ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 09-03-2020 | 12:14

  6. Hungary, actively searching for best practices in precision agriculture

    Summary of the PREGA conference in Budapest and a brief explanation of governmental policy goals in the field of precision ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-02-2020 | 18:01

  7. The governance of agroecological transition

    A summary of the Novermber 27-28, 2019 conference series on agroecology at the French Institute in Budapest, Hungary, an event at ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-12-2019 | 15:36

  8. Dutch-Hungarian Bilateral Meeting on Agriculture a Success

    A summary of the December 10-12, 2019 visit of Hungarian Deputy State Secretary for Agroecology Anikó Juhász to the Netherlands ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-12-2019 | 00:00

  9. Opening grotere productielocatie FrieslandCampina Hungária in Mátészalka

    Wist je dat Nederlandse melkveehouders dé meest populaire Hongaarse (zuivel)snack produceren? Hoe kan dat? In Hongarije ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-10-2019 | 09:37

  10. Seaweed cultivation presents a unique opportunity for Hungary

    Seaweed is a unique and valuable commodity with various potential uses in society, including as food, biofilter or cattle feed. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-10-2019 | 14:53