Nieuws - Hongarije | Hungary

265 nieuwsberichten over Hongarije | Hungary

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  1. Hungary: Does Budapest Dream of Metropolitan Sheep?

    New bee pastures and a new concept for grazing animals for the capital – The green plans of the chief urban architect of Budapest

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-06-2021 | 15:57

  2. Salmon? From Hungary?

    Plans are now in motion for a new aquafarm in Hungary that would produce a thousand tons of salmon in a year

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-06-2021 | 17:17

  3. Hungarian agriculture – Sectoral trends and figures, Q1, 2021

    Quick sectoral overview: Field crops, animal husbandry, horticulture and viticulture in the first quarter

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-06-2021 | 15:52

  4. The poultry sector in Hungary

    Analysis – Trends, challenges and opportunities in the Hungarian poultry sector

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-05-2021 | 18:14

  5. Hungary: Quick sectoral statistics – Digital agriculture & precision farming

    The new ten-year “agro census” shows that digitalization is a new trend – And it’s gaining traction.

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-05-2021 | 17:10

  6. Hungary: World Bee Day – What’s all the buzz about?

    Today is World Bee Day, and it’s a good time to reflect on how nature, our environment, and our everyday food all rely on ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-05-2021 | 12:10

  7. 'Dynamisch werk in vier totaal verschillende landen in de Balkan-regio'

    Nederlandse agrobedrijven en kennisinstellingen profileren zich gezamenlijk in Servië. Bijvoorbeeld in de zachtfruitsector. “De ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-05-2021 | 09:37

  8. Friesland Campina expanding its production capacity in Hungary

    The €14 million investment will enhance the company's high added-value dairy production in Hungary

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-05-2021 | 14:01

  9. Hungary: On the path to circularity – Report from Ökoindustria

    4000+ participants, 70 exhibitors, workshops, live talks, professional sessions – The leading green expo of the CEE region has ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2021 | 21:05

  10. Hungary: Update on the impact of adverse spring weather on agricultural and horticultural crops

    Periodic frosts and an ongoing drought are affecting crops all over Hungary - How extensive is the damage? What will this mean ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-04-2021 | 20:18