Documenten - Ethiopië

42 documenten over Ethiopië

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  1. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 January edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 28-01-2021

  2. Report on Context Sensitive Investment Project

    The Context Sensitive Investment project helps Dutch companies to understand & work together with their communities. Moreover, it ...

    Rapport | 26-01-2021

  3. Conflict Sensitivity Business Practice

    A guidance note based on an analysis paper, Conflict analysis of Ethiopia and assessment of the implications for foreign direct ...

    Publicatie | 26-01-2021

  4. Country Profile Ethiopia Social Risk Management

    A country profile of Ethiopia for good practices in Social Risk management for the private sector by CDC investment works.

    Publicatie | 26-01-2021

  5. CSI Roadmap

    In Ethiopia, inclusive business is needed to avoid unforeseen, long-term costs associated with community conflicts. This roadmap ...

    Brochure | 26-01-2021

  6. Ethiopia Ten Years Development Plan

    The planning and development commission of the  federal democratic republic of Ethiopia has published a ten year development plan ...

    Jaarplan | 25-01-2021

  7. Ethiopia: Focus on Agriculture Webinar - Invitation

    Brochure | 13-01-2021

  8. Ethiopia: Focus on Agriculture Webinar - Program

    Publicatie | 13-01-2021

  9. BoR Poultry Ethiopia

    Rapport | 27-05-2020

  10. Factsheet Poultry Ethiopia

    Rapport | 27-05-2020