Documenten - Ethiopië

42 documenten over Ethiopië

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  1. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 October Edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 03-11-2021

  2. Market Research - Plant propagation material sector in Ethiopia

    This study is commissioned by the Agricultural Department of the Netherlands Embassy in Addis Ababa. The aim of the research was ...

    Rapport | 13-10-2021

  3. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 September Edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 29-09-2021

  4. Ethiopië BOR Zuivel

    Op 9 september jl. organiseerde het Landbouwteam van de Nederlandse ambassade in Addis in nauwe samenwerking met de nieuwe TRAIDE ...

    Rapport | 29-09-2021

  5. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 July Edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 27-07-2021

  6. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 June Edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 30-06-2021

  7. Additional information on Rumen8 software - NEADAP

    Brochure | 29-06-2021

  8. Vacancies of Dutch companies located in Ethiopia

    Publicatie | 26-05-2021

  9. Dutchiopia Agri News 2021 May Edition

    The agricultural team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia continuously collects relevant updates and ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 19-05-2021

  10. World Bank Ethiopia - Economic Update report

    This is the publication of the Eight Ethiopia Economic Update, titled Ensuring Resilient Recovery from Covid-19. For an overview ...

    Rapport | 19-05-2021