Nieuws - Egypte

72 nieuwsberichten over Egypte

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  1. Werken aan duurzaamheid, klimaatverandering en waterslimme landbouw in Egypte en Jordanië

    Egypte en Jordanië, de landen waarin landbouwraad Melle Leenstra de afgelopen jaren actief was vanuit de Nederlandse ambassade in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-06-2023 | 09:30

  2. Africa Business Dialogue 2023

    Bent u ervaren exporteur of juist startend bedrijf met interesse in de opkomende markten in Afrika? Neem dan deel aan de Africa ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-05-2023 | 09:32

  3. Agribusiness unusual in the land of the Pharos: Knowledge Exchange on Climate and Water-Smart Agriculture at Wadi Expo in Luxor

    Luxor is a vibrant city on the Nile, surrounded by archeological sites. But it is not just rich in culture, but also agriculture ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-05-2023 | 11:48

  4. Import permits for seed potatoes in Egypt open for limited time

    The Central Authority of Plant Quarantine in Egypt announced last week that the door for import permits for seed potatoes will be ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-04-2023 | 14:02

  5. Promoting climate and water-smart agriculture in Egypt

    Egypt is the agribusiness powerhouse of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA-region), watered by the Nile, with age-old soils ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-04-2023 | 14:04

  6. Egypt and the Netherlands: working together on development and trade

    Egypt has seen a tremendous growth in agricultural activity since the 1990s. In the last 60 years, wheat harvests per hectare ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 09-02-2023 | 08:30

  7. Egypt: Canceling L/Cs requirement; a possible step to ease import restrictions

    Did your exports to Egypt face difficulties during 2022 due to rationing of foreign exchange? The cancellation of the requirement ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-01-2023 | 22:27

  8. Dutch-Egyptian Diamond Opportunities for Agrologistics Business Unusual

    Although the COP27 negotiation outcomes have left many disappointed, global recognition of food and agriculture as both a climate ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-12-2022 | 12:43

  9. Egypt: Agrologistics Forum during Food Africa Expo-6 December 2022

    Are you interested to do business in Egypt and expand your business in the area of cool chain logistics? Join us in the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-11-2022 | 13:53

  10. Webinar: Kansen tuinbouwsector in Algerije en Egypte

    Wilt u uw kansen onderzoeken in de tuinbouwsector in Algerije en Egypte? Neem dan deel aan ons webinar op maandag 12 december. We ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-11-2022 | 10:27