Serbia: Trade in the time of Corona pandemic
The Serbian Government introduced a state of emergency on March 15th, which will affect international trade. Reporting on the latest information and guidelines.
The Serbian Government introduced a state of emergency on March 15th . This caused certain restrictions in the international trade with Serbia. Serbian authorities and relevant counterparts from surrounding countries are trying to coordinate their activities in order to proceed with trade. Difficulties accrue along the way as the officials are adjusting to new circumstances.
Main guidelines
Here are the main guidelines:
- Borders have been closed for all foreign citizens. Only foreign nationals with residence permits and foreign diplomats engaged in activities in Belgrade will be able to enter the country, while Serbian citizens coming to the country will be quarantined for 14-28 days depending on the country they are coming from.
- Exempted are crew members of cargo motor vehicles; cargo ships; railway vehicles and cabin crew of airplanes regardless if they are foreign or Serbian citizens with residence permits
- Standard custom documents needed among which valid Veterinary and phytosanitary certificates for goods of plant and animal origin. No specific additional new documents needed
Open border crossings for cargo vehicles with phyto and veterinary inspection:
Open 24/7 |
With Hungary: Horgos |
Open 07h00 – 17h00 until March 31st and 07h00-19h00 from April 1st |
Belgrade – airport and truck terminal |
Waiting time at the border crossings might range from one hour to several hours.
- In the case of international transit of freighters in road traffic, limited period to transit Serbia is permitted but not longer than 12 hours (from the moment of entering the territory of the Republic of Serbia). Cargo vehicles will have police escort throughout the country
- Procedure for the truck drivers:
- Foreign citizens: they form lines of vehicles and drive to the loading/unloading position with the police escort
- Serbian citizens: their health status is checked by sanitary inspection at the border post. Then, they form line of vehicles and drive to the loading/unloading positions.
- Railway transport : change of engine and crew at the border
- Water ways transport : crew stays on board
Latest information & contact
Please be aware above mentioned info and data for international trade might change due to future developments in the Corona pandemic. For the latest information please visit the Serbian governmental website (see below) or contact the Agriculture Department of the Dutch Embassy in Belgrade at