Q&A for companies COVID-19 measures Poland
On March 20, Poland announced the introduction of the State of Epidemic which is causing restrictions for the public life. You can find here Q&A's for companies regarding these measures. Update June 11: As of June 13 at 00.01 hours, restrictions at the internal EU borders of Poland are lifted, as well as the obligatory 14-day quarantine.

Q: Are there restrictions for entering Poland?
A: As of June 13, at 00.01 hours, there are no more restrictions at the internal EU borders of Poland for EU citizens entering Poland. Also the obligatory 14-day quarantine policy is lifted from that time. International flights will be allowed from June 16. Restrictions for non-EU citizens remain in place for the EU external borders. All goods can be imported and exported to / from Poland.
Link to the travel advice of the Dutch government: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/landen/polen/reizen/reisadvies
Q: Where can the border be crossed?
A: As of June 13, 00.01 hours, Poland lifted the internal border control. Please note that other countries might still have restrictions in place.
EXTERNAL BORDER CROSSINGS Poland with neighboring non EU countries
On the external border with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, road border traffic is significantly reduced.
- The Polish-Russian border can only be crossed in Bezledy (freight - axle vehicles up to 8t performing international transport) and Grzechotki,
- The border with Belarus - in Kuźnica, Bobrowniki, Kukuryki and Terespol, and
- The border with Ukraine - in Dorohusk, Hrebenne-Rawa Ruska and Korczowa.
At the border crossing in Dorohusk (Dorohusk-Jagodzin) and in Korczowa (Korczowa-Krakowiec) only passenger cars and freight traffic will be possible. Pedestrians and buses will be excluded. https://granica.gov.pl/
Additionally, rail crossing are also open for cargo transport.
Links to the regulations (in Polish):
Q: Are there veterinarian controls at the border?
A: There is no veterinary border control at the internal border – trucks can use any open border crossing https://www.wetgiw.gov.pl/main/komunikaty/Kontrole-graniczne-na-granicy-wewnetrznej-w-UE/idn:1269
For goods entering the EU (external border) through Poland standard procedures apply: use open border crossing with veterinary border control https://www.wetgiw.gov.pl/inspekcja-weterynaryjna/graniczne-inspektoraty-weterynarii
Q: What is the waiting time at the border?
A: Up-to-date information on the waiting time at the Polish borders can be found here https://granica.gov.pl/ . Telephone numbers of specific border crossings can also be found on this website.
In case you need to cross the Polish-Ukrainian border, the situation at different border crossings of Ukraine can be checked at http://kordon.sfs.gov.ua/en/home/countries/pl/i
Q: Is transit through Poland possible for goods?
A: Yes. Source: Road Transport Inspectorate https://gitd.gov.pl/dla-mediow/aktualnosci/artykul/news/zasady-zwolnienia-z-obowiazku-kwarantanny-kierowcow/
See also the guidelines of the European Commission
Further information on Corona & doing international business
- Informatie in het Nederlands over het Corona virus en Internationaal zaken doen kunt u vinden via deze link: https://www.agroberichtenbuitenland.nl/actueel/nieuws/2020/03/10/coronavirus-en-zakendoen
- Veelgestelde vragen over het coronavirus in Polen (RVO.nl): https://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/internationaal-ondernemen/landenoverzicht/polen/veelgestelde-vragen-over-het-coronavirus-polen
- FAQ for enterpreneurs in the Netherlands, information provided by Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK | Government.nl | Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO https://business.gov.nl/the-coronavirus-faq-for-entrepreneurs/