Working together to stop the False Codling Moth in Kenya
The False Coddling Moth (FCM) also knowns as Thaumatotibia leucotreta is a pest, which is present on more than 70 host plants crops like roses, citrus, peppers (Capsicum spp.), maize etc. making it a challenge to control it. FCM is an economically important pest for roses as it causes crop damage and is categorized as a quarantine pest by the European Union (EU). The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, the Kenya Flower Council and the Netherlands Government therefore joined efforts to stop this pest.

Read the full article on the trainings and find the presentations that were given to stop this pest in Kenya here.
For more information about the trainings or the False Codling Moth or in case of questions for the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates follow us on twitter @NLAgriKenya or register for our newsletter by sending an email.