Romanian–Dutch partnership in agri-education sector
Joint learning from rural challenges and opportunities. Together with representatives of Romanian educational institutes, a delegation from the Romanian government will visit the Netherlands between 3 - 6 September 2019 to become acquainted with the Dutch agricultural education system. The aim of the mission is to introduce the successful way in which agricultural education in the Netherlands contributes to the professionalism of the Dutch agro and food sector. In particular the combination of agro-education with the other stakeholders like the Dutch agri-business community and the government.

Rural area in Romania
Just like in other European countries in Europe, also in Romania the rural area is aging and young people are moving away due to a lack of (economic) perspective. The Romanian Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development and Education both recognized that something must be done to tackle the development of declining population. It needs to be more attractive again to youngsters and to the agriculture private sector to live and work in the countryside with perspectives for a career in combination with the maintaining of the old traditions.
Currently a large share of the food in Romania is produced in a traditional way. Knowledge is carried over from generation to generation according to the old traditions, mostly without the influence of modern techniques and knowledge. Although the system is based on a circular and sustainable production, it is economically not sustainable and therefore also not attractive for entrepreneurs and for young ambitious people. Moreover, the educational offer is limited. The Romanian Government decided to invest in the reformation of the agricultural educational system in order to make rural areas more attractive and economically viable.
Mission to The Netherlands
Together with representatives of Romanian educational institutes, a delegation from the Romanian government will visit the Netherlands between 3 - 6 September 2019 to become acquainted with the Dutch agricultural education system. The aim of the mission is to introduce the successful way in which agricultural education in the Netherlands contributes to the professionalism of the Dutch agro and food sector. In particular the combination of agro education with the other stakeholders like the Dutch agri business community and the government.
Joint ambition
Romania has keen interest in developing strategies which strengthen the Romanian agri-educational sector. Dutch experiences have shown so far that the involvement of the private sector is instrumental to sustain these strategies. The Romanian and the Dutch governments, the Romanian and Dutch education institutes (represented by the Country Group Romania of the Dutch Borderless Network) and the Dutch and Romanian private sector, are open to discuss the various options to make this partnership happen and to work on concrete results.

Action plan
During the mission a common Dutch-Romanian action plan with concrete steps will be discussed.
Through the link below you can download the complete mission statement, together with examples of Dutch Romanian Partnerships in several fields related to agriculture.