Nieuws - Colombia

146 nieuwsberichten over Colombia

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  1. Dutch-Colombian Business Matchmaking Forum

    Op 22 en 23 juni organiseert het Holland House Colombia het online Dutch-Colombian Business Matchmaking Forum. Bent u een ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 12-05-2021 | 23:39

  2. Webinar Zakendoen in Colombia: mestvalorisatie op 11 mei

    Wilt u meer weten over mestvalorisatie in de pluimvee- en varkenssector in Colombia? Doe dan op dinsdag 11 mei 2021 van 15:30 - ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-05-2021 | 17:31

  3. The cycles to circularity: The path of Magdalena towards a more circular agriculture

    According to the Dutch government’s vision, circular agriculture is the transition from a linear production system focused on ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-04-2021 | 13:06

  4. Groeiende vraag in Colombia naar mestbewerking

    De ontwikkeling van de varkens- en pluimveehouderij in Colombia en andere landen in Zuid-Amerika stimuleert onherroepelijk de ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-04-2021 | 11:30

  5. Dutch-Colombian collaboration awards more than 200 title deeds to residents of the Colombian municipality of Cumaribo

    On Wednesday, March 17th, 226 property titles were handed out during an official ceremony in the municipality of Cumaribo ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-03-2021 | 18:54

  6. “Land in Peace”, a Dutch-Colombian collaboration in land administration

    Land is at the heart of Colombia’s armed conflict. Unequal land distribution, land tenure insecurity and land grabbing fueled the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 05-03-2021 | 14:42

  7. Responsible Business Conduct in Peruvian Agro-export Companies

    The recent agricultural strike in Peru has exposed some bad practices regarding Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) by some ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-03-2021 | 07:01

  8. Latin America Business Dialogue op 16 maart

    Wilt u nieuwe markten ontdekken in Latijns-Amerika? Ga erover in gesprek met vertegenwoordigers van Nederlandse ambassades, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-03-2021 | 10:28

  9. Recent events regarding the strikes and new agrarian law in Peru

    On 30 November, an agricultural strike in the Ica region began and lasted five days. The call for a strike denounced the poor ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2021 | 17:55

  10. Effects of COVID 19 on agribusiness in Colombia, Peru & Ecuador

    This short final analysis of 2020 shows the most relevant developments in Colombia, Peru & Ecuador related to COVID-19 and the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-12-2020 | 18:53