Dutch Horticultural Trade Mission Visits Fujian

On June 28 and June 29 a group of 14 Dutch companies was in the city of  Zhangzhou, Fujian province, to present themselves to potential business partners. This event was organised by the Netherlands Consulate General in Guangzhou in close cooperation with the Fujian Agricultural Department and the Zhangzhou Government.

On the first day of the event the Dutch companies updated the Chinese companies on the latest horticultural developments and the Chinese companies in turn updated the Dutch on the horticultural situation in their province, and elaborated on the challenges they meet. Humidity and high temperature, especially in summer, were mentioned by many Chinese stakeholders. They asked the Dutch for tailormade solutions. Later during the day a matchmaking session between the Dutch and Chinese companies took place.

On the second day of the event we visited three different companies (a mushroom farm, an orchid farm and a potted plant nursery) near Zhangzhou, to give the Dutch companies a better insight on the situation on the ground. They were surprised by the scale and high standards of the Fujian horticultural sector. The visit to Fujian was most appreciated by the Dutch companies as it opened new doors for them.

The two days were a great success and now it is up to both the Dutch and Fujian business partners to give this visit a follow-up.

June 2023