China International Dairy Industry Conference (Aug 4 - 7) in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

From 4 - 7 August 2023 the China International Dairy Industry Conference took place in Hohhot, Inner Mongalia. This conference was organized by the CNFA and included interesting presentations from MOFCOM, GACC, SAMR, and several dairy exporting companies. During the conference Karel van Bommel presented the success factors of the Dutch dairy sector.

The conference also included a forum where Yili, Fronterra, Lactalis, and Mead Johnson China shared their future outlook. One of the hot topics was sustainability. The other one was impact of the declining birth rate and the aging population in China on dairy consumption.

As part of the conference, Karel van Bommel visited the new Yili Health valley, a 120 km2 research and production sector. Here he spoke with a couple of researchers from the Yili research sector in Wageningen.