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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 25, 2024

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het LNV Attaché Netwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze LAN teams die werkzaam zijn op de economische clusters van 62 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 77 landen bedienen. Ook zijn ze vertegenwoordigers voor Nederland bij internationale organisaties: EU in Brussel, FAO/WFP/IFAD in Rome en OESO in Parijs. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

EUROPE - Frankrijk: samenwerking met Nederland op innovatie wordt aangehaald

Vorig jaar werd een zogenaamd ‘Pact voor innovatie en duurzame groei’  getekend tussen Nederland en Frankrijk. Het heeft even geduurd, maar nu wordt dan toch echt werk gemaakt van het onderdeel landbouw en voedsel van het Pact. Op 27 juni 2024 zal de werkgroep ‘Food Transition’ van het innovatiepact voor het eerst bij elkaar komen, op de Residentie van de Nederlandse ambassadeur in Parijs. 

Frankrijk: samenwerking met Nederland op innovatie wordt aangehaald

Beeld: LNV team Parijs

- Hungary: losing farmland to climate change?

Lower harvest yields; 26% rise in soybean farming; declining cattle slaughter figures; raspberry farming suffers from climate; consumer prices rose from last year; new discovery in aquaculture. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Hungary.

Will Hungary start losing farmland to climate change?

The photo shows a meadow in the evening in summer. The rays of the evening sun are filtering through the leaves of a tree. Various grasses can be seen bowing in the breeze.
Beeld: ©Zoltán Szászi

- Poland: plan of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Polish Presidency of the EU Council

From January 1, 2025, Poland will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, during which time the new European Parliament will be constituted and new commissioners will start their work.

Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Polish Presidency of the EU Council

portrait of minister of agriculture Mr Czesław Siekierski
Beeld: ©Ministerstwo Rolnictwa

- Poland: the biggest challenge for the next 20 years of agriculture in the EU

Celebrating Poland's 20th anniversary in the EU, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture presented the challenges facing Polish agriculture for the next 20 years in the European community. Stability and profitability of agricultural production are the main tasks for Polish agriculture and, above all, for the Polish authorities, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Poland will try to ensure greater trust and freedom in the everyday functioning of farmers in the EU.

The biggest challenge for the next 20 years of Polish agriculture in the EU

balk with flowrs between fields
Beeld: ©A.Murawska

- Serbia: one agricultural commodity is frequently thrown away

Sheep wool has untapped potential; Serbian dried plums reach record price; the situation of the pet food market; the carbon footprint of crop production; five billion euros invested in environmental projects. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Serbia.

One agricultural commodity is frequently thrown away in Serbia

A human hand is feeding a sheep fresh grass.

- Ukraine: Dutch contribution to reconstruction

In his recent interview to, Roderick van Schreven, Special Envoy for Business and Reconstruction in Ukraine, stated that the Dutch companies should not underestimate opportunities in Ukraine. Appointed in summer 2023, Roderick van Schreven visited Ukraine and had regular meetings with Ukrainian and Dutch stakeholders, business and governmental delegations. He was impressed with the courage and resilience of Ukrainians. Even on recently deoccupied territories people with dramatic experience work hard on reconstruction.

Dutch contribution to reconstruction of Ukraine

Dutch-Ukrainian cooperation

- Ukraine: evaluation of restored agricultural land by indicator species in the context of war

The war often forces Ukrainian farmers to leave their land plots due to either active hostilities, mining or destroyed infrastructure and logistics. That is why the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is supporting a project that will contribute to better understanding of what processes will occur on abandoned agricultural land over the time in regard to nature and biodiversity.

Evaluation of restored agricultural land in Ukraine by indicator species in the context of war

Project team in Chornobyl reserve

- Ukraine: impact of the war on agriculture profitability

With the support of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), and Minagro conducted a study on the impact of the war on agriculture profitability. It was administered by the World Bank. Read more about the study in this article.

Ukraine: Impact of the War on Agriculture Profitability

Ukraine:  Impact of the War on Agriculture  Profitability

- Verenigd Koninkrijk: Parlement Schotland neemt landbouwwet unaniem aan

Op 18 juni heeft het Parlement in Schotland de landbouwwet unaniem aangenomen. Het wetsvoorstel, de Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill, voorziet in een wettelijk kader voor het geven van steun aan de landbouw en de gemeenschappen en economie op het platteland, en voor het treffen van maatregelen voor onder andere dierenwelzijn en de professionele ontwikkeling in de sector.

Parlement Schotland neemt landbouwwet unaniem aan

Typical Scottish Landscape  A sheep in Greshornis Flickr
Beeld: ©Flickr

ASIA - Kazakhstan: high-level EU agri-food mssion

The high-level EU agri-food mission to Kazakhstan, led by European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, took place from 27 - 31 May, 2024. The delegation included over 40 companies from 16 EU member states.

High-level EU Agri-Food Mission to Kazakhstan

Beeld: iStock

MIDDLE EAST - Jordan: King Talal dam ecosystem restoration to reduce soil erosion in Amman Zarqa Basin

Being one of the most arid countries in the Middle East, Jordan is facing severe water shortages. Precipitation occurs in the short, cool winters, with an average of 270mm annually. 27% of the rain is captured by the dams, while King Talal Dam catches 30% of this water.

Jordan King Talal Dam Ecosystem Restoration to reduce Soil Erosion in Amman Zarqa Basin

Ecosystem bericht Jordan pic1


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