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  1. 3 Koreaanse startups in de agrosector uitgelicht

    De Zuid-Koreaanse landbouwsector loopt erg achter op andere sectoren in het innovatieve land. Om hier verandering in te brengen ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 09-01-2019 | 08:24

  2. Formele oprichting The Netherlands Vietnam Horticulture Platform

    Nederlandse bedrijven en instituties hebben besloten hun capaciteiten en kennis te bundelen om zodoende bij te dragen aan de ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 16:24

  3. Bulgaria is the Largest Producer of Herbs in the European Union

    Bulgaria is the largest producer of herbs and spices in the European Union. According to Eurostat, in the year 2017, a total of ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 14:59

  4. VS grootste soja-leverancier in EU

    De import van soja uit de Verenigde Staten is afgelopen halfjaar enorm toegenomen. Bijna driekwart van de totale soja-import kwam ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 13:42

  5. MAPA Dipoa Brazil releases annual report on control programmes

    The Department of Inspection of Animal Origin Products (DIPOA) of the Secretariat of Animal and Plant Health and Inspection of ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 12:31

  6. Demand for meat falls 2.4% in Spain

    According to the Ministry of Agriculture, between November 2017 and October 2018, Spaniards have consumed 2.12 million tons of ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 12:00

  7. Newsletter KIG-LAN October- December 2018

    Dear reader, Wishing you a Happy New Year 2019, we would like to share with you the 6th edition of the newsletter of the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 11:11

  8. Vietnam could face catfish oversupply

    The catfish export sector was probably the most improved industry this year, but rampant production could lead to excess supplies ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-01-2019 | 10:07

  9. MAPA Brazil establishes requirements on Animal Feed Additives

    The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) issued Normative Instruction 54/2018 establishing technical ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-01-2019 | 19:55

  10. Japan Business Week

    Exporteert u goederen of diensten naar Japan? Wilt u meer weten over nieuwe ontwikkelingen in Japan? Neem dan tussen 4 en 7 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-01-2019 | 16:14