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  1. Cold chain investment opportunities in horticulture in Egypt

    The Netherlands has a long history of partnering with Egypt’s agri-business. A recent study on cold chains highlights the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-10-2023 | 15:24

  2. Vraag naar Nederlandse kennis en expertise op het gebied van duurzame productie en consumptie

    Gelare Nader werkte vier jaar als landbouwraad op de Nederlandse ambassade in Seoel, Zuid-Korea: van augustus 2019 tot en met ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-10-2023 | 14:00

  3. Türkiye: greenhouses in Gebze

    In Kocaeli's Gebze district, which stands out with its industrial investments, 4,500 greenhouses where vegetables are produced ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-10-2023 | 12:47

  4. Brazilië: precisielandbouw, via smart soja naar CO2-opslag in de bodem

    Een interview met Tamme van der Wal, deelnemer aan de WUR delegatie bij de belangrijkste precisielandbouwconferentie van ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-10-2023 | 12:46

  5. Hungary to introduce a deposit on single-use bottles

    Investigative journalists uncover issues with food waste prevention center; Minister suggests tighter honey regulations to EP; ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-10-2023 | 17:51

  6. Serbia's berry fruit sector has potential

    News from the Berry Business Forum; Serbian trade relations in the region and in the world; food control law to be introduced; ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-10-2023 | 17:51

  7. NL Paviljoen op BIOFACH, Neurenberg

    Bent u actief in de biologische sector? En hoort u graag meer over marktkansen voor biologische producten in Duitsland en ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-10-2023 | 10:43

  8. Iraq invests in integrated pest control, regeneration of wetlands and reforestation

    Enhance agricultural sustainability in Iraq with nature-inclusive practices. Overcome challenges of water scarcity, soil ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-10-2023 | 08:30

  9. Türkiye: use of technology increases productivity and quality in agriculture

    Stating that technology can be used in different stages of agricultural production, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Yumaklı ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-10-2023 | 10:41

  10. Romanian calendar of launching calls for EU funded projects (CAP-NSP)

    The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture has just announced the schedule of calls for projects to be launched by the Agency for Rural ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-10-2023 | 14:19