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  1. March 2020 Highlights of Kazakhstan Agricultural Sector

    Read the latest news of Kazakhstan Agricultural sector introduced in March issue of the Economic Newsletter which is prepared by ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-04-2020 | 10:45

  2. Poland, brief agricultural news week 14, 2020

    What happened in Poland last week? A brief overview of agricultural news.

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-04-2020 | 10:10

  3. Hungary: Agroeconomy bracing for impact

    The first shockwave is over. Agrobusinesses are now waiting for the other shoe to drop – The structural effects of the pandemic ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-04-2020 | 09:54

  4. Military oversight groups deployed at food industry companies in Hungary

    As a reaction to the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hungarian Government announced the state of danger on March 11th. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-04-2020 | 09:29

  5. ASF in Poland state of play

    During the first three months of 2020, the dynamics of ASF epizootic development in wild boars in Poland increased significantly, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 16:26

  6. Ukraine to open land market

    On March 31, the Parliament of Ukraine has voted for the Law on Land Market Turnover. Further steps will be approval of the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 16:02

  7. Ukraine Digital Map is openly available

    The State Geocadastre opens free access to a 1:100,000 digital map with the register of geographical names. Everyone can use it: ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 15:47

  8. Gevolgen coronacrisis voor Franse agrofoodsector

    De voedselvoorzieningsketen in Frankrijk heeft, net als elders in de wereld, te kampen met de gevolgen van de COVID-19 pandemie. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 14:37

  9. 50% daling van de export Portugese agrofoodindustrie

    De sluiting van hotels en restaurants heeft een grote impact op de verkoop van de Portugese agro-voedingsindustrie.

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 12:06

  10. 'Landbouw in Rwanda en Uganda stapsgewijs vooruit'

    Carian Posthumus Meijjes is bijna vier jaar landbouwraad in Rwanda en Uganda. In beide landen is sprake van agrarische ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-04-2020 | 11:19