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  1. Summary of pangasius’s farmer needs assessment in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

    The Mekong River Delta (MRD) in Vietnam is widely recognized as the most productive region for brackish and freshwater ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-01-2024 | 06:18

  2. Ukraine: Smart Garden project

    Facinating results of the first year of cooperation

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-01-2024 | 15:21

  3. Ant farming in Thailand: back to the future or smart use of the past?

    Discover Thailand's sustainable agricultural solution through ant farming, promoting year-round ant egg supply and reduced ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-01-2024 | 08:30

  4. Frankrijk : Nederlandse ambassadeur warm onthaald op grootste Franse tuinbouwbeurs SIVAL 2024

    De SIVAL tuinbouw vakbeurs behoeft geen introductie meer. Met 700 exposanten en ongeveer 26.000 bezoekers is dit de grootste ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-01-2024 | 18:00

  5. How the war against Ukraine affected the Black Sea and marine life

    War in Ukraine, The Black sea

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-01-2024 | 12:00

  6. Training Kenyan farmers on fruit fly management

    Kenya's vital fruit sub-sector faces challenges but holds economic potential. Mango production suffered a 2014 export ban due to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-01-2024 | 09:00

  7. Lessons from South Africa: 20+ years of nature-inclusive farming

    Discover the balanced approach of ZZ2's nature-inclusive farming, combining traditional methods with sustainable practices for ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-01-2024 | 08:30

  8. Colombia and the Netherlands strengthen commercial ties in banana, coffee and avocado

    Colombia strengthens its commercial ties with the Netherlands and the Dutch Caribbean, as per the latest report from DANE updated ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-01-2024 | 18:18

  9. Sier- en tuinbouwbeurs Hortitec in Holambra, São Paulo

    Bent u actief in de sier- en tuinbouwsector? Doet u nog geen zaken in Brazilië? Heeft u interesse om met uw bedrijft deel te ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-01-2024 | 15:37

  10. NL Paviljoen op pluimveecongres FENAVI in Colombia

    Bent u ondernemer in de pluimveesector? En wilt u zakendoen in Colombia? Ga dan 4 t/m 6 juni mee naar FENAVI 2024 en neem deel ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-01-2024 | 13:35