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  1. China Business Week 2020

    Bent u een potentiële, startende of ervaren exporteur? Ontdek uw kansen in China! Doe in september (online) mee met de China ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-08-2020 | 10:12

  2. The Pesticide Management Initiative East African Region: Kenya Pesticides management for sustainable agriculture in Kenya

    Food producers in Kenya are progressively intensifying their production to meet the domestic and export market demands. Often, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-08-2020 | 10:06

  3. Bulgarije: de tarweopbrengst is dit jaar 25% lager

    Dit jaar zouden de exportmogelijkheden moeten worden beperkt om het tegenovergestelde te voorkomen - de invoer van tarwe, zei de ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-08-2020 | 09:15

  4. Increase in duty-free quotas for Opinion: Ukrainian honey could help EU reduce dependence on Chinese honey supplies

    The renewal of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine next year can give a new impetus to the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-08-2020 | 00:00

  5. Business as usual? How companies in Kenya and Tanzania coped with COVID-19

    Although the news around the world was speaking about an economic standstill, agribusinesses also has another story. Business ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-08-2020 | 18:34

  6. Sabasaba fair in Tanzania: Power of practical trainings in unlocking aquaculture sector growth

    The Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) also known as Sabasaba fair is an annual promotional event organized by the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-08-2020 | 18:11

  7. Overview of financial instruments for the agribusinesses in Kenya

    The Kenyan agriculture market is dynamic with many agribusiness opportunities. Most entrepreneurs, however, still face challenges ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-08-2020 | 17:44

  8. USDA breidt steun uit voor boeren onder Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)

    De Amerikaanse minister van landbouw, Sonny Perdue heeft eerder deze week bekend gemaakt dat een groot aantal nieuwe ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-08-2020 | 22:45

  9. Polish retailer Biedronka fined with € 26 mln fine for violating consumer rights

    According to the statement of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Poland (UOKiK), Biedronka violated consumer ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-08-2020 | 14:25

  10. Hungary Newsflash Week 33

    Agro startup incubation, international trade figures, subsidies and the effect of COVID-19 on popcorn - The last week in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-08-2020 | 14:25