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  1. Indonesia Intelligent Farming Webinar

    INAGRITECH exhibition will host a webinar with the theme "Indonesia Intelligent Farming" on 22 June 2021, 1.30PM - 3.00PM ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-06-2021 | 09:16

  2. IPB Bandung : Green Technology for Sustainable Tropical Agriculture Summer Course

    Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering (DMBE), Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-06-2021 | 07:34

  3. Ontmoet handelspartners op de NL lounge tijdens de Food & Hotel Vietnam trade show 7-9 september 2021

    Hoe kunt u meedoen? Van 7 tot en met 9 September is de Food & Hotel show te Ho Chi Min City in Vietnam. In samenwerking met de ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-06-2021 | 04:52

  4. Stepping up the fight against Tuta Absoluta in Kenya with safer and sustainable biocontrol products

    Tomato is one of the most important vegetables grown by farmers in Kenya and plays an important role in generating employment and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 13:24

  5. How to gain a market share in the US$ 22 billion Vietnamese agri-food important market?

    In the past thirty years the Vietnamese economy has been growing rapidly. While the Dutch GDP was almost 50 times larger than ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 12:03

  6. Pork consumption peaks in recent Russian history

    The consumption of pork by Russians in 2020 reached 27 kg per person, which was the highest result in the history of modern ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 09:07

  7. Oezbekistan: measures approved to create modern greenhouses in the regions

    President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On measures to create modern greenhouses in the regions on the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 09:01

  8. Voedselverlies in Kenia biedt kansen voor Nederlandse ondernemers

    Dagelijkse uitdagingen in het Keniaanse voedselsysteem zijn voedselzekerheid, duurzame productie en het versterken van ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 08:00

  9. Innovatieve droogmethode voorkomt voedselverlies in Kenia

    Er is een grote paradox in het Keniaanse voedselsysteem. Veel mensen lijden honger, en tegelijkertijd gaat veel oogstopbrengst ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2021 | 08:00

  10. Valuing Water in Kenya: the Netherlands Ambassador kicks off the Nakuru visit on World Water Day

    The World Water Day 2021 celebrations focused on the theme valuing water. It was a good moment to pause and reflect on progress ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2021 | 16:13