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7.944 nieuwsberichten

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  1. Kansenwebinar over aquacultuur in Oeganda

    Bent u benieuwd welke kansen er voor uw bedrijf zijn in de aquacultuursector van Oeganda? Tijdens het kansenwebinar op 19 mei ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-05-2022 | 05:36

  2. 'Vietnam benefits from Dutch knowledge and products'

    After decades of impressive economic and agricultural growth, the focus in Vietnam shifts to food quality and more sustainable ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-05-2022 | 05:01

  3. Vietnam is doing well in the horticultural field

    The greenhouse design is being finalized and next year Rijk Zwaan hopes to open a new R&D Station in Da Lat, Vietnam's main ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-04-2022 | 05:24

  4. Hungary: The capping of the prices of food and fuel extended until July 1

    The extension will buy some time before prices start dramatically increasing.

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2022 | 16:08

  5. Green Cities Serbia project at the Belgrade Building Expo 2022

    As urban greening companies participated for the first time in the annual construction fair in Belgrade, Dutch companies were ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2022 | 16:07

  6. Macro economische ontwikkelingen in Ethiopië

    Na bijna een jaar van stilte, druppelen in Ethiopië eindelijk de eerste macro economische rapporten weer binnen. Vanwege het ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2022 | 15:09

  7. The Agricultural Counselor, Ingrid Korving, is saying Kwaheri to Kenya

    Times flies …….after 5 years of working in Kenya, Ingrid Korving, the agricultural counsellor for Kenya and Tanzania at the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2022 | 08:53

  8. Bulgarian Recovery and Resilience Plan will support modernizing and greening of farms

    The EU will provide EUR 6.3 billion in grants to Bulgaria under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and they have to be ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-04-2022 | 14:00

  9. Sustainable and responsible sourcing of fresh produce from Kenya

    The study has put forward a contextual background, reviews the economic situation and pertinent opportunities and challenges ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-04-2022 | 13:30

  10. Empowering the Kenyan feed sector; Key highlights of the 2nd year of FeedTechKenya

    The FeedTechKenya impact cluster comprises a consortium of leading Dutch and Kenyan parties active in various areas of the East ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-04-2022 | 12:53