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  1. Vietnam's export of agro-products in the first 5 months estimated at 23.2 billion USD

    According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), in May 2022, the export turnover of agricultural, forestry ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2022 | 11:10

  2. Romania’s Agri Minister plans new investments in irrigation

    Romanian Minister of Agriculture Adrian Chesnoiu would like to finalize 22 new investments in irrigation infrastructure by ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2022 | 10:35

  3. Keeping Ukrainian goods moving: EU-Ukraine Business Matchmaking Platform

    Launched by the European Commission, and operated by the Enterprise Europe Network, this platform aims to bring EU and Ukrainian ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2022 | 09:00

  4. Agricultural Counselor Ingrid Korving is saying Kwaheri to Tanzania

    Times flies! After 5 years of working in Tanzania with Ingrid Korving, it is time to say goodbye to her. The agricultural ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2022 | 00:00

  5. 'Agrofoodsector Kenia kiest voor circulair'

    De ontwikkelingen in de agrofoodsector in Kenia gaan snel, vooral op het gebied van circulariteit. Voor Tanzania geldt dat, in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-06-2022 | 09:31

  6. Child labour in Mexican agriculture subject to pressures from USMCA and Mexican employers

    Some 589.300 minors were working in Mexico’s agricultural sector in 2019 and this number is likely to have increased during the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 22:03

  7. Luxemburg: droog voorjaar laat zijn sporen na in de landbouw

    De droogte heeft zich in Luxemburg dit jaar veel eerder laten voelen dan normaal. Tussen 1 maart en 18 mei is er 67% minder regen ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 16:44

  8. Polish retail chains are a chance for the Dutch companies

    Since several years Poland is increasing import of cut flowers and pot plants from the Netherlands. Polish retail chains are ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 14:20

  9. Frankrijk viert Nationale Dagen van de Landbouw

    Op 17, 18 en 19 juni 2022 zullen veel Franse boerderijen en agrovoedingsindustrieën hun deuren openen voor bezoekers als ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 13:58

  10. Vietnam is the largest coffee supplier to Japan

    According to data from the General Department of Customs, in April 2022, Vietnam’s coffee exports to Japan reached 10,541 tons, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 11:01