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  1. Economische missie agtech naar Vancouver van 17 tot en met 23 april met minister Schreinemacher

    Ondernemers die innovatief zijn in land- en tuinbouw (agtech) en geïnteresseerd zijn in zakendoen met British Columbia, Canada ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-01-2023 | 10:27

  2. In Hungary both the meat industry and arable farming face serious challenges

    Corn and wheat producers still reeling from the impact of the drought struggling to compete with cheaper import, the meat ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-01-2023 | 14:29

  3. 4th AgroBelgrade fair to be held in Serbia at the end of January

    Serbia's raspberry powerhouse status confirmed, statistics showing low levels of irrigation in farming, rising inflation figures, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-01-2023 | 14:28

  4. Economische resultaten 2022 voor de Franse landbouwsector positief, situatie per sector verschillend

    Frankrijk – De economische resultaten 2022 voor de landbouwsector positief, maar de situatie verschilt per sector. Eind 2022 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-01-2023 | 18:48

  5. Trade dynamics of maize, soybean, and wheat in the Americas: Supply falls short of a steady demand

    Maize, soybeans, and wheat remain essential inputs for the agribusiness sector, especially thanks to their protein content used ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-01-2023 | 17:21

  6. Handelsmissie cold chain naar Taiwan

    Bent u actief in de cold chain-sector? En benieuwd naar zakelijke kansen in Taiwan? Meld u dan aan voor de fysieke handelsmissie ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-01-2023 | 10:13

  7. Eurostat: Romania ranks fourth In the EU by wheat crop in 2022

    With a crop of 9.18 million tons of wheat harvested from 2.1 million hectares Romania placed fourth in the European Union (EU) in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-01-2023 | 00:00

  8. Netherlands Pavilion at 5th Agro-Pack Fair in Erbil, Iraq

    The Consulate General of the Netherlands and its Agriculture Team organized a Netherlands Pavilion at the international ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-01-2023 | 16:25

  9. South Africa’s energy crisis puts pressure on the nation’s food security

    South Africa's energy crisis food security loadshedding farmers solutions for power crisis renewables solar panels sustained use ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-01-2023 | 15:01

  10. A 2022 recap and 2023 trends in South Africa's agricultural sector

    Recap 2022 success of South Africa's agriculture sector exceptional growth SA's food security rating domestic constraints ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-01-2023 | 14:22