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  1. Frankrijk : combinatie zonnepanelen en landbouw in de versnelling

    Deze maand werd in het Franse parlement een wetstekst aangenomen die de randvoorwaarden vastlegt voor de combinatie van ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-02-2023 | 18:08

  2. War time berry growing and processing conference in Rivne, Ukraine

    Berry business in Ukraine. Results of 2023 and plans for 2023.

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-02-2023 | 17:54

  3. Nederlandse kennis en technologie boosten Marokkaanse tuinbouw dankzij Centre d'Excellence Horticole

    Dankzij Nederlandse kennis, bedrijven en financiering is er in Marokko een moderne kas gebouwd om de lokale tuinbouw te ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-02-2023 | 13:30

  4. SustainPalm: Indonesia and the Netherlands cooperation on sustainable palm oil

    Indonesia is the world’s largest palm oil producer with a total production of 49,7 million ton with a total value of USD 28.5 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-02-2023 | 07:44

  5. Duck market in Poland

    The poultry sector is one of the most important sections of the domestic agricultural production, and since 2014 Poland has been ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2023 | 16:06

  6. Spain: Can crops and solar panels coexist?

    Is photovoltaics a threat to agriculture and food sovereignity? Renewable energy plants need large areas and grid access points ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2023 | 12:00

  7. Seminar over kansen in de cacao- en tuinbouwsector in Ivoorkust

    Heeft u interesse in zakendoen in Ivoorkust en werkt u in de cacao- of tuinbouwsector? Ontdek de kansen voor uw sector in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2023 | 11:11

  8. NL Business Lounge on SIPSA FILAHA & AGROFOOD 2023

    Join the NL Business Lounge at SIPSA-FILAHA & AGROFOOD 2023 in Algiers to explore horticulture opportunities in Algeria. Dutch ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2023 | 10:01

  9. Field visit to palm oil plantation in Riau, Indonesia

    Prior to the SustainPalm launch event, the whole SustainPalm team (consisting of Wageningen University & Research, Van Hall ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-02-2023 | 08:54

  10. World Food Program center to move to Budapest, Hungary

    Beekeepers struggling with the influx of non-EU honey, land prices broke through psychological barrier and one of the most ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-02-2023 | 15:20